
What is Quinn Neuropractic?

Quinn Neuropractic is a very efficient approach to working with the body, to bring relief from pain and to help accelerate the body’s recovery from injury.

It focuses on correcting the cause of pain and/or injury and not just treating the pain itself. It also links the mind with everything it does, as that is where all our memories are stored.

It does this by touch, which highlights the area concerned so it can then best determine what needs doing in that area. It is one thing to correct the body, however, that alone will not always remove the feeling of pain.

These results are achieved by assessing skeletal alignment and gentle movements at certain points of the body, that will trigger the body into correcting itself. The results can be instantaneous or take up to 48 hours.

Quinn Neuropractic is a complementary therapy which may be used in isolation or in conjunction with other physical therapies such as massage, sports therapy, physiotherapy, Chiropractic, Reflexology, Emmett and Bowen, to name a few.

Why Quinn Neuropractic?

Quinn Neuropractic will teach you to find the cause of the problem and not just work on the problem itself.

Lower back problems are very common and can be helped, and often cleared, very quickly.

You will gain a better understanding of the Muscular skeletal system and how muscles work together.
You will learn about the relationship between the body and the mind and how to identify pain caused by memories and resolve them.

Quinn Neuropractic can help people of all ages, both young and old, and is beneficial to both athletes and non-athletic people.

Quinn Neuropractic simplifies the way the body and mind work so that you can understand why and how most things happen.

You will learn how the way that we speak to people impacts them and their recovery.

It can help to reduce your treatment times.

Who is Brendan Quinn?

Brendan is an ex-rugby player who has had his fair share of injuries, and is now devoted to helping people overcome pain, heal rapidly and meet their physical goals. Appreciating how important it was to have injuries treated effectively, and often frustrated when told that rest was the best rehabilitation, he embarked on a personal quest for an alternate means of treating pain and injury without the need for people to be away from their chosen sport or activity for long periods of time.

He qualified as a Sports Therapist in 1996, which lead him to further qualify as a Bowen Therapist and an Emmett Therapist. In his desire to find a way to help people overcome their pain quickly, he studied Cognitive Hypnotherapy at the Quest Institute in London, to help understand the mind. This knowledge made it clear how crucial it is to incorporate the mind when working with the body, and reinforced his belief that treating the cause of the problem, and not just the problem alone, allowed him to developed what is now called Quinn Neuropractic.

Where is the course taking place?

Please find current course information on the course location page